
Basking Sharks have arrived

Basking Shark Scotland

Take a look at the latest news from Basking Shark Scotland:

Great news everyone, the basking sharks have now arrived back in town. After some reports earlier in the week from local fishermen, there was a very calm spell on Thursday evening so we zoomed out at 25knots as soon as we could!

It was a glorious evening, flat calm and sunny - perfect basking shark spotting conditions. We saw eagles, puffins, shearwaters and a variety of seabirds on the way out. In the deep water a number of Minke whales were seen feeding then a large (100+) pod of common dolphins! After another hour of searching we came across a loose group of basking sharks, and we counted at least 4! There were two larger and two smaller ones!

We sent up the drone, took some surface fin images and then kitted up to try and ID and confirm their sex underwater! Although we did find the first was a male, we thought the second was a female, they had some very inquisitive behaviour towards us in the water and not something they usually do!

Our first scheduled basking shark tour starts in about a month with our Hebrides trips. See more information about them here. However we may run some last minute one day tours if there is enough interest, more reports and settled weather.

Otherwise check out our shark science projects here, shark research trips that you can be part of and our summer wildlife tours here.